
Airbrake setup issues

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I am new to airbrake. but when I try to push to Heroku I get the following issue:

** [Airbrake] [Airbrake::Sender#setup_http_connection] Failure initializing the HTTP connection. Error: URI::InvalidURIError - the scheme https does not accept registry part: :443 (or bad hostname?)

My routes are fine as best I can tell. And I have the Airbrake host setup as which I believe is the correct setup.

Couple questions:

  1. Is the initializers/airbrake.rb pulling from Application.yml?
  2. initializers/airbrake.rb notes a js_api_key which I don't think I have from Airbrake. Is this something special?

running rake airbrake:test outputs: ** [Airbrake] [Airbrake::Sender#send_to_airbrake] Cannot send notification. Error: SocketError - getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

Then a bunch of trace info, then: ** [Airbrake] Environment Info: [Ruby: 2.1.2] [Rails: 4.1.4] [Env: development]

Testing airbrake via "rake airbrake:test". If you can see this, it works.

Any ideas?