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Here are some things that have been thrown around:

Startup Funerals: Celebrate Failure

Funeral for your startup.

We invite you to mourn the passing of our communities past startups

There are stages in life and we spend a ot of time celebrating the birth, but the death is equally important, ..

Something that is pertinent to the community, but its a party…..

Got a failed startup? Tellt he comunit your starry, its like NYTM, but the opposite…

like a real funeral, but no one actually died.

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Startup Funeral: It's the Launch Party Your New Startup Never Had

Startup Funeral is like a real funeral, but no one actually died (don’t tell our pride). The idea is simple, gather to mourn the passing of those brilliant and failed attempts at creating the next big startup.

Startup’s often have a large release party. Their births into the world of business are often celebrated, but the end of their lives are as important to celebrate. We should recognize their passing in just as celebratory manner, as their births.

If anything, Startup Funeral gives us an opportunity to collectively mourn our failures, together, and call it a “party.” If you have a failed startup, tell us your story and we can celebrate your startup’s passing in grand fashion!