
boto still missing on instructor install

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on a fresh install, libre-infra aws provision failed because

TASK [infra : aws : provision : network : Create VPC 0014-vpc in eu-west-3] ****************************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Python modules \"botocore\" or \"boto3\" are missing, please install both"}
	to retry, use: --limit @/usr/local/lib/libre-ansible/playbooks/infra-aws/provision.retry

Problem if on previous task, libre istall or instructor install that doesn't add the boto support as it should be.

workaround :

vi /etc/boto.cfg and add

use_endpoint_heuristics = True

execute pip install botocore boto3 boto

after workaround, executing libre-infra aws provision doesn't fail anymore.