
S2I application example

Primary LanguageDockerfileGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Example of a micro-service application using startx sxapi s2i builder startx/sxapi (using source-to-image). See using sxapi builder to learn on how to build this example.

The easyest way to start building you own API resource is to fork this repository and start to personalize sxapi.yaml. Follow the sxapi configuration guide to learn how to create your own microservice endpoints winthin a minute.

Running this example using docker

Docker requirements

  • You must have access to a running docker daemon with access to the dockerhub public registry. If you don't have docker runtime, please follow docker installation guide for CentOS, RHEL, Windows or MacOS.
  • You must also have git tool installed to clone and work with application source code.

Create application using Dockerfile

git clone https://github.com/startxfr/sxapi-example.git
cd sxapi-example
docker build -t sxapi-example .
docker run -p 8080:8080 sxapi-example

Docker strategy workflow

 .---------------------.    .----------------------------.            .-,(  ),-.
 |     base image      |    | Source code (application)  |         .-(          )-.
 |---------------------|    |----------------------------|        (    internet    )
 | startx/sxapi:latest |    | local copy (sxapi-example) |         '-(          ).-'
 '---------------------'    '----------------------------'             '-.( ).-'
            \                            /                                 ^
             \       docker build       /                                  |
              \      (Dockerfile)      /                                   |
               v                      v                                    |
               .----------------------.                        .-----------------------.
               |  application image   |        docker run      | application container |
               | sxapi-example        |                        | sxapi-example         |
               '----------------------'                        '-----------------------'

Running this example using s2i

S2i requirements

Install and configure s2i tools. If you don't have it yet, please follow source-to-image installation guide for Linux, Windows or MacOS.

Create application using s2i build

s2i build https://github.com/startxfr/sxapi-example startx/sxapi sxapi-example
docker run -p 8080:8080 sxapi-example

S2I strategy workflow

 .---------------------.  .-------------------------------------------.
 |     base image      |  |         Source code (application)         |
 |---------------------|  |-------------------------------------------|
 | startx/sxapi:latest |  | https://github.com/startxfr/sxapi-example |
 '---------------------'  /-------------------------------------------'
            |            /
            v           /
 .---------------------v     .----------------------.
 |      s2i build      |     |  application image   |
 | sxapi-example       |     | sxapi-example:latest |
 '---------------------'     '----------------------'
                             .-----------------------.            .-,(  ),-.
                             | application container |         .-(          )-.
          docker run  ------>|-----------------------|------->(    internet    )
                             | sxapi-example         |         '-(          ).-'
                             '-----------------------'             '-.( ).-'

Running this example using openshift

Openshift requirements

  • Configure an openshift cluster with a minimum v3.5 release. User must be a system:authenticated user with at least default associated roles (default behavior). you can use SaaS solution openshift online to get this environement within a minute.

  • Connect to your openshift cluster.

    # <login> Your openshift username
    # <pwd> Your openshift password
    # <openshift_api> Your openshift master API hostname (ex: https://mymaster.openshift.example.com:8443)
    oc login -u <login> -p <pwd> <openshift_api>
  • Create a project for this application example

    # <project_name> The project name
    oc new-project <project_name>

Create application using the build template

oc process -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/startxfr/sxapi-example/master/openshift-template-build.yaml \
   -v APP_NAME=sxapi1 \
   -v APP_TYPE=example \
   -v SOURCE_BRANCH=master \
   -v WEBHOOK_TOKEN=sxapi-example-e7h91Yka4p7qD24 | \
oc create -f -

Build strategy workflow

 .---------------------. .----------------------.
 |    Builder image    | |        Image         |
 |---------------------| |----------------------|
 | startx/sxapi:latest | | sxapi-example:latest |
 '---------------------' '----------------------'
            |            ^          |
            v           /           v
 .---------------------/    .---------------.    .---------------.    .---------------.
 |    Build config     |    | Deploy config |    |      Pod      |    |    Service    |
 |---------------------|    |---------------|--->|---------------|--->|---------------|
 | sxapi-example       |    | sxapi-example |    | sxapi-example |    | sxapi-example |
 '---------------------'    '---------------'    '---------------'    '---------------'
            ^                                                                 |
            |                                                                 v
 .-------------------------------------------.       .-,(  ),-.       .---------------.
 |         Source code (application)         |    .-(          )-.    |     Route     |
 |-------------------------------------------|   (    internet    )<--|---------------|
 | https://github.com/startxfr/sxapi-example |    '-(          ).-'   | sxapi-example |
 '-------------------------------------------'        '-.( ).-'       '---------------'

Create application using the pipeline template

oc process -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/startxfr/sxapi-example/master/openshift-template-pipeline.yaml \
   -v APP_NAME=sxapi2 \
   -v APP_TYPE=example \
   -v SOURCE_BRANCH=master \
   -v WEBHOOK_TOKEN=sxapi-example-f5H34pASlaiZ27c | \
oc create -f -

Pipeline strategy workflow

.----------.     .---------------------. .----------------------.
|          |     |    Builder image    | |        Image         |
|          |     |---------------------| |----------------------|
|          |     | startx/sxapi:latest | | sxapi-example:latest |
|          |     '---------------------' '----------------------'
|          |                |            ^           |
|          |                v           /            v
|          |     .--------------------./  .--------------------.   .--------------------.
|          |     |    Build config    |   |   Deploy config    |   |        Pod         |
|          |---->|--------------------|   |--------------------|-->|--------------------|
|          |     | sxapi-example-test |   | sxapi-example-test |   | sxapi-example-test |
|          |     '--------------------'   '--------------------'   '--------------------'
|          |                ^                                                 |
|          |                |                                                 v
|          |     .-------------------------------------------.     .--------------------.
|    P     |     |         Source code (application)         |     |      Service       |
|    I     |     |-------------------------------------------|     |--------------------|
|    P     |     | https://github.com/startxfr/sxapi-example |     | sxapi-example-test |
|    E     |     '-------------------------------------------'     '--------------------'
|    L     |                                                                  |
|    I     |                                                                  v
|    N     |                                                       .--------------------.
|    E     |     .-------------------.                             |       Route        |
|          |     |     Approval      |                             |--------------------|
|          |---->|-------------------|                             | sxapi-example-test |
|          |     | manual validation |                             '--------------------'
|          |     '-------------------'            .-,(  ),-.                  |
|          |                                   .-(          )-.               |
|          |                                  (    internet    )<-------------'
|          |                                   '-(          ).-'              |
|          |     .----------------------.          '-.( ).-'                  |
|          |     |        Image         |                          .--------------------.
|          |     |----------------------|                          |       Route        |
|          |     | sxapi-example:latest |                          |--------------------|
|          |     '----------------------'                          | sxapi-example-run  |
|          |                 |            .-------------------.    '--------------------'
|          |                 |            |        Pod        |               ^
|          |                 v         .->|-------------------|--.            |
|          |     .-------------------. |  | sxapi-example-run |  |  .-------------------.
|          |     |   Deploy config   | |  '-------------------'  |  |      Service      |
|          |---->|-------------------|-'                         '->|-------------------|
|          |     | sxapi-example-run | |  .-------------------.  |  | sxapi-example-run |
|          |     '-------------------' |  |        Pod        |  |  '-------------------'
|          |                           '->|-------------------|--'
|          |                              | sxapi-example-run |
'----------'                              '-------------------'

SXAPI Documentation

If you want to have more information on how to install, develop and run sxapi, please read the full documentation or our user guides and execute the following steps :

  1. Install sxapi framework
  2. Configure you API
  3. Run you application


If you run into difficulties installing or running sxapi, you can create an issue.

Built With


Read the contributing guide for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is mainly developped by the startx dev team. You can see the complete list of contributors who participated in this project by reading CONTRIBUTORS.md.


This project is licensed under the GPL Version 3 - see the LICENSE.md file for details