French consulting and training company delivering expertise to build private and public cloud using Open-Source solutions.
startxfr's Followers
- aairomIBM
- aawm
- ahpnilsFrance
- cpc6128CodeVallée
- debovemaRed Hat
- drabahi
- erwstx
- ethanflower1903san francisco
- Kempfu
- mallowtekparis, france
- matteobatazziAix en Provence, France
- mdlouis@startxfr
- meyeradev
- moussanaa
- NabsterSTX
- NoSuchCommand
- RajivhostFunctionalStack, Inc.
- revathskumar@Saloodo
- rverchereAccenture
- Sokren
- startx-fk
- startx-labSTARTX
- vishalkadam7
- w4hfRed Hat