
kb3139914 broke multiple RDP sessions

gits68 opened this issue · 4 comments


kb3139914 prevent rdpwrap from working, uninstalling kb3139914 make it work rigth again.

use the following command to uninstall it :

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:3139914 /quiet /norestart

you may also use the following vb script to automatically hide the KB :

Dim hideupdates(1)

hideupdates(0) = "KB3139914"

set updateSession = createObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateupdateSearcher()

Set searchResult = updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'")

For i = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(i)
For j = LBound(hideupdates) To UBound(hideupdates)
'MsgBox hideupdates(j)
if instr(1, update.Title, hideupdates(j), vbTextCompare) = 0 then
'Wscript.echo "No match found for " & hideupdates(j)
Wscript.echo "Hiding updates..." & hideupdates(j)
update.IsHidden = True
end if

For three days does not let me connect: Always indicates access denied. I guess it will be for some updating Windows 10. Les accompanied files.

2016-03-15 23_43_50-
2016-03-15 23_44_31-local rdp checker

Desde hace tres días no me deja conectar: Siempre indica acceso denegado. Supongo será por alguna actualización de Windows 10. Les acompaño archivos.


I also have this problem but I can't see the problematic update "KB3139914". I am on windows 10.


There is a problem with access rights somewhere, similar to #215 (comment).

The issue can be theoretically solved by using Sysinternals' FileMon program that will log file accesses. But since this thread is not active anymore, I'm closing it.

How do I find what needs access using Process Monitor? I filter for RDPCheck.exe and RDPConf.exe but nothing really comes up when I reopen RDPCheck and try logging in again.