

stasoid opened this issue · 0 comments

I can help with polyglotting Idris with Curry/Hugs since I know all three. I don't know Gofer though, and I don't think I can make a whole answer since there are so many new things since I last contributed. If you want to pursue this we can discuss this in chat sometime. – Ad Hoc Garf Hunter

I am very interested in Idris 1 being part of the polyglot because it is a practical language. However, I have serious mental problems, and chatting in chat is extremely stressful for me because of that.

I want to say something about "I don't think I can make a whole answer" though because I have already heard something like that from other participants. This is a fallacy, an error of perception. You have to fix only those languages that broke, you don't have to know about all the languages added since your last contribution. If you change Curry code you will see Incident, Prelude, alphuck, Retina break – all the usual suspects that you fixed many times before. Since about answer 50 only 3 languages were added that can break when you change any place in the polyglot (they execute 'globally') – DOBELA, LMBM and Chip. That's it. (Well, there is also Klein 111 that will break if you forget to keep the number of lines the same, but that's trivial.)

If you try to add a language now it's not gonna be much harder than at #200 or #100. I mean, look at
recent 3 answers – Idris 2, J-uby, efunge. Are they gonna break if you change Curry? – of course not, they are completely orthogonal to Curry.

If I still haven't convinced you, I'll say this: don't fix langs you don't want, I'll fix them. And I say this with ease because I know that very few languages will break if you change Curry code.
Note: You can set second argument of the test driver to ! to check only the most fragile languages.

Also, here is the link to test only Curry/Hugs/Gofer/Idris1 in the normal, non-literate environment.

I think R. Feynman describes similar state of mind in Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!, when he didn't believe he could understand his colleagues' work because he was lagging behind, but then he just sat down and figured it out and it wasn't that hard actually.

Sorry, but because of my mental problems conversing with people is very hard for me. If you still don't want to do it yourself I think I can handle the conversation – but only in the comments, and I will need 5-15 hours between messages to mentally prepare myself. My problem with Idris was that I could not even think of starting code that would be legal in both Curry and Idris. I tried to play around with ||| comment, but to make it legal in Curry I have to prepend it with x, which immediately breaks Idris... I don't know where to go from there.