
vue-cli template to rollup a vue plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


vue-cli template to rollup a vue plugin with support for

  • es2015 (babel or buble)
  • eslint:recommended
  • css/sass + autoprefixer
  • uglifyjs/csso minification


This is a project template for vue-cli.

$ npm install -g vue-cli
$ vue init stasson/vue-plugin-template my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install

the template layout is as follow

├─ dist         # distribution output 
├─ src          #  
│  ├─ plugin    # plugin sources (components, directives ...)
│  └─ styles    # styles (.css/.scss) 
└─ test
   └─ unit
      └─ specs  # unit test spec
  • npm run test: run karma tests
  • npm run build: build all
  • npm run build:dev: build umd distribution with inlined sourcemap and styles.
  • npm run build:prod: build minified & optimized umd distribution.

if you publish on npm, the distribution will be available on unpkg CDN

Transpile ES6?

Choose which es6 transpiler to use

  • babel: Full featured, battle tested transpiler.
  • buble: Fast, use it if you want a clean output with no extra code
  • none: you don't need ES6 support !?!

CSS output?

Choose how styles should be handled

  • extract: styles are consolidated in a stylesheet file (my-project.css / my-project.min.css)
  • inject: <style> elements are injected into the
  • none: you don't use no styles !?!

development distribution always use inlined styles


  • add support for vue scope