
KeyError in self.dataset = SequenceDataset.registry[self.hparams.dataset._name_]

Gardenialover opened this issue · 0 comments

I attempted to replicate the S4 model using forex data instead of weather, etth, ettm, ecl. All the forex.csv data has been loaded into the data folder, and a corresponding forex.yaml file has been added in the configs/dataset and experiment directories. However, upon running with the command !python -m train experiment=forecasting/s4-informer-forex, an error occurred with the message:
self.dataset = SequenceDataset.registry[self.hparams.dataset._name_](KeyError: 'forex'. while using!python -m train experiment=forecasting/s4-informer-{etth,ettm,ecl,weather}`, it works. Any advice to fix the keyerror in forex data?