
Darkrai is a browser extension which enables you to chat with anybody visiting the same website.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Darkrai Browser Extension

Darkrai is a browser extension that will enable the user to chat with any other user visiting the same website as themselves. This extension has various advantages, some of which being meeting people with the same interest, and resolving the doubts for which the website is visited for.

The extension component for the Darkrai browser extension.

You can find the repository for the server here.

Darkrai is a browser extension which enables you to chat with anybody visiting the same website šŸ¤©


  • You need Node & Yarn to start the development environment. Download them here - Node, Yarn.

  • Optionally you can setup a .env file in the root of the repository to set the server url (if you don't do this it will default to http://localhost:4848). The file should look like this:

REACT_APP_SERVER_URL=#Darkrai server url
  • Run the development server using:
yarn dev
  • Build the production level extension:
yarn build

Other Scripts

  • Lint the code using eslint:
yarn lint