
Pull TypeClinic out into its own package?

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The new TypeClinic is pretty cool. I'm wondering if it (c|sh)ouldn't be pulled out into its own package? I've found it useful for validating, for example, generically typed attrs class fields:

import attrs
import static_frame as sf

class X:
    x: list[int] = attrs.field()

inst = X(
    x=[1.0, 2], # no run-time error here.

field_attribute = attrs.fields_dict(X)["x"]
tc = sf.TypeClinic(inst.x)
# static_frame.core.type_clinic.ClinicError: 
# In list[int]
# └── Expected int, provided float invalid

Thank you! I had a similar thought. If there is broad interest in doing so I would certainly consider that.