
tests failed

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Followed above process of executing.All tests failed.Why?
Attached errors getting as error.pdf

I can confirm this problem. I can reproduce it on Ubuntu 22.04 with clang compiler.

The problem is that the tests are compiled with -g and therefore llvm2c attempts to reconstruct names of variables and it generates code like this:

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    unsigned int var2;
    unsigned int argc;
    unsigned char** argv;
    unsigned char* p;
    unsigned long num;
    struct s_test arr[5];
    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int sum;
    unsigned int i2;
    var2 = 0;
    argc = argc;
    argv = argv;

Without debugging information, it generates code like this, which is fine:

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    unsigned int var2;
    unsigned int var3;
    unsigned char** var4;
    unsigned char* var5;
    unsigned long var6;
    struct s_test var7[5];
    unsigned int var8;
    unsigned int var9;
    unsigned int var10;
    var2 = 0;
    var3 = argc;
    var4 = argv;

To be more precise, the problem is not that the tests are compiled with -g, but that apparently there is a bug in using the names of arguments from debugging information.

One workaround could be to avoid using -g if possible (this won't fix the tests, though, there -g is required).

But maybe @vmihalko could know. He has done some yet-unmerged work on the debugging information.
@vmihalko ?

This commit should fix that: vmihalko@72a0889 but either c++17 is needed ( or rewrite std::find_if into a range-based for loop.

Does the above modification solves issue?


I made the update as C++17,but the issue persists for me,why?

Did you update to C++17 with the abovementioned change (find_if) and rebuild the whole project?

yes I have made both the changes.I had a doubt whether my range based loop is correct or not,could you please provide snippet for the same.