
Has many of a model where ancestors may belong to it.

saade opened this issue · 9 comments

saade commented

I am currently working on a scenario where I have a Subject model with a hierarchical structure, and each subject belongs to a Department. But also, a Subject may heve its department_id null but one of its ancestors have the foreign key to the Department.

In my use case, I need to retrieve subjects that belong to a specific department, as well as subjects that have a department_id of null but their ancestors have a filled department_id.

Here's my. table structure:

Departments table

id other_columns
1 ...
2 ...
3 ...

Subjects Table

id parent_id department_id other_columns
1 null 1 A
2 1 null A.A
3 1 null A.B
4 2 2 A.A.A
5 2 null A.A.B
6 4 null A.A.A.A

With the following query:


i want to retrieve the A, A.A and A.B event though A.A and A.B doesnt have the department_id filled (but one of its ancestors have).

I also need the inverse relationship:

Subject::find('A.B')->department // Department 1 event though department_id is null.

I know its sounds much, but i'm willing to pay for your help, thank you!

Hi @saade,
Shouldn't this be 4?

Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-25 um 15 26 30

saade commented

I dont think so? A.A.A and A.A.B are siblings

i want to retrieve the A, A.A and A.B

I asked because you didn't include A.A.B here. Why should it not be part of this result despite belonging to department 1 (as a descendant of subject 1)?

saade commented

i want to retrieve the A, A.A and A.B

I asked because you didn't include A.A.B here. Why should it not be part of this result despite belonging to department 1 (as a descendant of subject 1)?

oh, yeah my bad mate, it should include a.a.b too 😅

saade commented

Just to be completly clear:

It should not include A.A.A nor A.A.A.A even though A.A.A's parent belongs to department 1. Because A.A.A belongs to department 2 so it overrides its parent department 1.

saade commented

Made a little visual representation =)



It's not possible to define a relationships here, but you can run a "normal" query:

$department = Departments::find(1);

$subjects = Subject::withRecursiveQueryConstraint(function (Builder $query) {
}, function () use ($department) {
    $constraint = function ($query) use ($department) {
        $query->where('department_id', $department->id);

    return Subject::treeOf($constraint)->get();

Subject::find('A.B')->department // Department 1 event though department_id is null.

You can define a relationship for this case using concatenation:

class Subject extends Model
    // Install
    use \Staudenmeir\EloquentHasManyDeep\HasRelationships;

    public function department()
        return $this->belongsTo(Department::class);

    public function rootDepartment()
        return $this->hasOneDeepFromRelations(
            (new static)->department()

$department = Subject::find('A.B')->rootDepartment;
saade commented

Hey! Thanks for that!

I didnt have the time to test it as i'm on another part of the project, but i'll let you know. Do you have a sponsor profile?