
work space number is not visible in ubuntu

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Using ubuntu 18.
i3wm-theme repo status: last commit fde5acd
Author: JohannesPertl
Date: Thu Apr 16 01:21:40 2020 +0200

Work space number is not visible.


Same issue.

For now fixed by replacing following lines in ~/.config/i3/config:

gaps inner 10
gaps outer -4


gaps top 25
gaps inner 10

Did not work in my case.

I'm having the same problem. Able to see the numbers without smart_gaps on

After having fiddled around abit, I figured out what was causing the problem.
In you Polybar config located in $HOME/.config/polybar/config comment out or remove

;wm-restack = i3
;override-redirect = true

Your bar should no longer be overlapped by windows.