
Can you make a requirements installer for Solus Linux ?

astrolemonade opened this issue · 5 comments

Can you make a requirements installer for Solus Linux ?

Hello sir,

Good idea, I have never used Solus but I will try to provide an installation script for it as well, I guess it's gonna be pretty straight forward.

Thank you !

Hello sir, I have updated the flag on this issue, in case someone out there exists who can provide an installation script for Solus.

I am looking forward to make this on my own and open a pull request but I have to wait a little bit since I don't have a lot of free time recently ! Don't close the issue please !

Sure, the issue remains open until you (or someone else) provide a PR. I do understand the time issue :P I'm constantly out of time for the past year or so as well, thus this repo evolves very slowly.