stav121/i3wm-themer little bug

dskart opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey, I just saw you have an error in your file on line 89/90.


 FileUtils.replace_line(configuration.polybar_config, 'format-connected-foreground',
                                   'format-connected-foreground = ' + self.format_con_back)

should be

 FileUtils.replace_line(configuration.polybar_config, 'format-connected-foreground',
                                   'format-connected-foreground = ' + self.format_con_fore)


Hello sir, would you like to make a PR for this?

Yes ! I unfortunately don't know the work flow for this. I already have a fork where I changed some stuff for my own set up and don't want to delete that. Can I make a new branch and commit then PR from there?

Let me know how I should do this

Yes sir, you can do it as you like.