Pinned issues
- 7
No module named yaml
#62 opened - 2
- 2
Feature request: update
#57 opened - 2
Modules not showing up on polybar
#54 opened - 0
#52 opened - 3
- 5
- 5
- 2
./ ends with errors:
#43 opened - 0
- 2
- 1
Reverting changes made
#40 opened - 4
sudo pip / Arch
#38 opened - 2
- 1
- 3
Limited number of modules
#31 opened - 0
Large Mouse
#30 opened - 2
#29 opened - 1
Gentoo Support
#28 opened - 3
Things I had to do
#27 opened - 8
polybar-git does not create a config dir
#26 opened - 3
Unstated light dependencies
#24 opened - 9
- 1
Problem installing default files
#22 opened - 4
- 3
about the lightdm bug
#20 opened - 3
Xrandr miss behaving
#19 opened - 2
- 2
Theme fails to load on login
#17 opened - 2
Failed to overwrite 2 lines.
#16 opened - 4
- 2
Polybar overlapping on top of i3 windows
#14 opened - 10
Failed to Overwrite Everything?
#13 opened - 6
General writing difficulties
#12 opened - 1
- 1
- 8
polybar adn i3 can't detect colors
#8 opened - 3
Changing theme is not possible :(
#6 opened - 13
Not able to get theme changes
#5 opened - 3
- 5
I3 config file has some errors.
#3 opened