
url sharing

Opened this issue · 6 comments

When a link like
is posted, is unaware that this is actually build in neon theme. Some improvements in this regard would be great.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "build in neon theme".

build-in = as the theme that is allready included as preset. :)

Oh right, I understand. Did you have any sort of improvements in mind?

a. The "easy" one would be: name of the preset is embedded into url somehow
b. The hard one: script compares values with all the presets (perhaps some sort of hash is prestored?)

and selects the proper preset (or just prints the name someplace)

I'm not really sure how I want to handle this.

Comparing the value with the presets would only work, until one of the colors is changed and it no longer matches the preset.

So putting the name in the url is probably the better solution. Something like:

Another solution I'm thinking of, is creating a server allowing users to create accounts and save themes to their account. But that is a fair bit of work.

Comparing the value with the presets would only work, until one of the colors is changed and it no longer matches the preset.

I see nothing wrong with that (but I guess one could also compare the proximity, so if certain percent of colors are only N% away from base colors, it could print something like: 'Looks like preset "neon"' or 'neon like')

Another solution I'm thinking of, is creating a server allowing users to create accounts and save themes to their account. But that is a fair bit of work.

Can't they just fork your gt-pages and populate the presets section?