
why download fail?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

python tools/ lists/audioset1.csv ../pfann_dataset/audioset
python tools/ lists/audioset2.csv ../pfann_dataset/audioset
python tools/ lists/audioset3.csv ../pfann_dataset/audioset

download -4N3GjgnIQ0 from 260 to 270

failed to download ;-(
stop for a moment~~~
download -5lI0Wt-pNE from 250 to 260
failed to download ;-(
stop for a moment~~~
download -ADTZNx531s from 340 to 350
failed to download ;-(
stop for a moment~~~
download -D1uGn8bvIA from 40 to 50
failed to download ;-(
stop for a moment~~~
download -DZN4RxMD3s from 140 to 150
failed to download ;-(
stop for a moment~~~
download -DrChjJRNIk from 80 to 90
failed to download ;-(
stop for a moment~~~
download -EveIKsp3nE from 270 to 280

AudioSet is video data from YouTube, which is blocked in China. If you are in China, please check for VPN settings.
Also please install youtube-dl via pip to get latest update.

AudioSet is video data from YouTube, which is blocked in China. If you are in China, please check for VPN settings. Also please install youtube-dl via pip to get latest update.

Thanks a lot, I have solved it!