Some phraseban-related commands are broken
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Davnit commented
When there are no configured phrase bans, the /phrases command results in:
Error: #5: Invalid procedure call or argument in modCommandCode.ProcessCommand().
Trying to remove a phrase with the /pdel command results in:
Error: #52: Bad file name or number in modCommandCode.ProcessCommand().
Though apparently the phrase is still removed.
[04:51:16] <Pyro> .phrases
[04:51:16] Error: #5: Invalid procedure call or argument in modCommandCode.ProcessCommand().
[04:51:19] <Pyro> .help phrases
[04:51:19] <StealthBot> [phrases (alias: plist)]: States the currently active phrasebans. [syntax: .phrases [subcommand]*] Requires rank 50 or one of the following flags: O.
[04:51:24] <Pyro> BUG ALERT
[04:51:27] <Derek#USEast> :o
[04:51:39] <StealthBot> [04:51:16] Error: #5: Invalid procedure call or argument in modCommandCode.ProcessCommand().
[04:52:14] <Pyro> .padd fuckmonkey
[04:52:14] <StealthBot> Phraseban "fuckmonkey" added.
[04:52:18] <Pyro> .phrases
[04:52:18] <StealthBot> Banned phrases: fuckmonkey
[04:52:27] <Pyro> .pdel fuckmonkey
[04:52:27] Error: #52: Bad file name or number in modCommandCode.ProcessCommand().
[04:52:44] <Pyro> oh well
[04:52:48] <Pyro> apparently i can't remove that now
[04:55:09] <Pyro> .phrases
[04:55:09] Error: #5: Invalid procedure call or argument in modCommandCode.ProcessCommand().
[04:55:13] <Pyro> oh
[04:55:18] <Pyro> apparently it "worked"
Davnit commented
The phrase ban system in general is broken. Applying on the settings form is clearing the entire phraseban list.
Cross reference with forum thread here: