
Takes a matrix of numbers and returns a point grid with the correspondent 'property' values

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status npm version MIT licensed

Takes a matrix of the values and returns a Point grid mapping the values of the matrix as property


  • matrix [Array<Array<<number>>] of numbers

  • origin [Array<number> | Feature<Point>] position of the first bottom-left (South-West) point of the grid

  • cellSize [number] the distance across each cell

  • options [Object] optional parameters:

    • zProperty [string] the name of the property of the points which will represent the correspondent matrix value (optional, default elevation)

    • properties [Object] GeoJSON properties passed to all the points (optional, default {})

    • units [string] miles or kilometers (optional, default kilometers)


Returns a [FeatureCollection<Point>] grid of points having each the correspondend pproperty value of the matrix



$ npm install matrix-to-grid

browser (ES5)

<script src="https://unpkg.com/matrix-to-grid/matrix-to-grid.min.js"></script>


  var matrixToGrid = require('matrix-to-grid');
  var matrix = [
    [ 1, 13, 20,  9, 10, 13, 18],
    [34,  8,  0,  4,  5,  8, 13],
    [10,  5,  2,  1,  2,  5, 24],
    [ 0,  4, 56, 19,  0,  4,  9],
    [10,  5,  2, 12,  2,  5, 10],
    [57,  8,  5,  4,  5,  0, 57],
    [ 3, 13,  0,  9,  5, 13, 35],
    [18, 13, 10,  9, 78, 13, 18]
  var origin = [-70.823364, -33.553984];
  matrixToGrid(matrix, origin, 10);
  // = pointGrid