
Strange behaviour when a key is like E[0-9]*

joakinen opened this issue · 3 comments


It seems that if a key starts with the letter "E" and the rest of the key name consists of numbers that key is processed as an error.

$ jq --version
$ echo "{\"S0\":\"bar\"}" | jq .S0
$ echo "{\"E0\":\"bar\"}" | jq .E0
jq: error: Invalid numeric literal at EOF at line 1, column 3 (while parsing '.E0') at <top-level>, line 1:
jq: 1 compile error

Thanks for reporting the bug. As you've noticed, jq tries to parse tokens such as .E0, .e0, .e1, etc, as numbers and hence the error message.

For those seeking a workaround, it is, as always with problematic key names, to use the primary accessor syntax:.["KEY"]

hi @joakinen
The scenario you mentioned can already be handled correctly.you can try it in master branch.

root@os-001: echo '{"a0":123}' | jq .a0
root@os-001: echo '{"C0":123}' | jq .C0
root@os-001: echo '{"R0123":123}' | jq .R0123

Yes, this is a bug, and a dup of a number of earlier bugs.