
No stats displayed

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Redmon mounted in a Rails app is showing no stats. The following video shows the behavior:

Basic diagnostics:

Rails configuration code:

# config/routes.rb
mount Redmon::App => '/admin/redmon/'

# config/initializers/redmon.rb
Redmon.configure do |config|
  config.redis_url = "redis://"
  config.namespace = 'redmon'
  config.poll_interval = 10

I think the readme is a little misleading here. When mounting in this fashion the worker that gathers the redis stats is not started. The readme does include the poll interval which implies that the periodic worker runs. In any case ff you want to run the worker you can give it a try using a railtie. I honestly haven't tried it so let me know if you run into any issues.

You can always kick off the worker from the command line, which I would probably do if I was mounting redmon in a rails app.

$ redmon --no-app