
Possibility to connect SHINSANWASWITCH to matrix. Does it possible?

steelpuxnastik opened this issue · 0 comments

There is available project of erikchan002's / SwitchProMicroController where used matrix to make possible to connect as much buttons as needed and use less pins of Arduino Promicro as possible. But there is big problem that standardly there is no possibility to connect SHINSANWASWITCH (as long as OBSA-LHSXF-LN too, because or theirs active schematic used), because it has only 1 output wire and that wire pulls down signal to ground when pressed, but this is completely unsuitable for a matrix, where needs to simply connect one pin with another pin, where passive buttons cope with this task perfectly. There was some, at first look, worthy solutions to get around this problem:

  • to use NPN transistor on the output (scheme on picture, but it was not the one used, it's just the last ) - not working.
  • to use TLP222A solid state relay and it seems that it need to perfectly make it's work, but somehow it doesn't. I do not know why, but somehow when it's connected in one power circuit - it connects one of the output pins of relay to GND that totally breaks the logic, because there needs that it only connect two pins between them and I thought that optical structure of that solid state relay can figure that, because input isolated from the output and communicate with each other only by means of an optical signal, that output send to output pins when SHINSANWASWITCH pressed, because SHINSANWASWITCH makes GND, other pin connected to +5v and when the circuit closes - output pins needs to make connection to each other (that's what about datasheet says And I made it work only when TLP222A was connected to different power supply instead of powering it from Arduino, but this variant for now is not understandable how to realize or maybe I just mistaken somewhere.
  • to use CD4066B like here - not working too.

Important clarification: in all those tests I haven't assembled full matrix with diodes and so on, I just put outputs that I made to the, for example, to first pin of raw and first pin of column, so I thought that was enough to verify does it work or not. If I mistaken - please, let me know about it.

Maybe you know and understand where i'm mistaken and can correct me, and also if you know possible working variant - please, tell me here about that, Thank you very muck :)