
TV Shows - Big file streaming issue

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hi Steeve!

First of all congrats for Pulsar, really nice job!

Just wanted to give some feedback on the plugin, hopefully these will be helpful for future adjustments:

When there is a 2GB file (a movie) the actual buffer is just perfect, as by the time I reach the end of the buffer it can download other parts of the file as well, resulting a streamlined experience (considering the movie is around 90-120min). But when this 2GB is containing only a 20-40min episode from a show the same buffer is not enough as it will reach its end much quicker, resulting an immediate stop and freeze (as it cannot continue the playback). I tried to increase the buffer size to 50-75MB, but it is not enough. I feel determining the cache size based on a static value is not ideal, it should be the combination of of the file size / length of the media content.

If this would require too much development, I feel even the tiny download info panel that you had for XBMCtorrent would be beneficial, so at least people could wait and "calculate" how long they should wait (after pause), so the experience will be smooth in this case as well (E.g. If i can see 50% has been downloaded in 5min, it will be safe to start a 20min episode).

Hope you will consider the implementation of any of these, I truly believe this would result a better experience.

Keep up good work!