
Feature request: run pulsar daemon on separate machine

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I suspect that my current setup is fairly common: I have a raspberry pi running openelec that fetches media from a backend NFS server. Since the rpi has a few limitations (network adapter over USB, limited memory & CPU, etc...), it's useful to offload as much as possible onto the backend.

Applied to pulsar, the idea is as follows: split pulsar into two daemons, such that the running of plugins and downloading of streams can be handled by one computer, and the actual playback of the stream can be handled by another computer running Kodi.


+1 up very good idea. a service that works locally and over network it would be great; i would add trans-coding on the torrent machine too to optimize bw;

@corrpel Ah, I haven't looked at the source yet, so I hadn't even realized that there was transcoding involved! Yes, that should absolutely be offloaded as well.

I'm having trouble finding the daemon code: could you please point me to the correct repository?

Hei Ithibault,
I think i've expresed it wrong.
I would add transcoding if coding was one of my known languages. Let's hope someone who can code help on this feature request :)

@corrpel Ah, I see! I know Go and Python fairly well, so if I could only find the daemon repository, I'd happily take a stab at it.

What are you trying to achieve with transcoding? This sounds like something best handled by a separate plugin.

@lthibault here is the code for daemon
I would like transcoding in order to be able to provide the feature to a friend that have a bw of 300kb/s, allowing him to be able to play files over 1gb. well, even 800mb video is not working for him.
Thank you.