

This project implements the V protocol, which is really a dummy protocol based on TCP, that features:

  • ECDH key negotiation (handshake)
  • Encrypted TCP connected with AES encryption
  • A server that accepts concurrent & persistent TCP connections
  • A client that communicates over encrypted stream with the server


  • ListenAndServe(settings Settings) (*VServer, error)
  • Stop() error

For VServer usage check out cmd/server/main.go


  • Connect(addr string) error
  • Ping() (transport.Message, error)
  • Disconnect() error

For VClient usage check out cmd/client/main.go

How to use

# install all required dependencies
# be patient, this make take a while if done 1st time
go get ./...
# run the server
go run cmd/server/main.go
# run the client
go run cmd/client/main.go

Technologies Used


  • viper (yaml configs)
  • zap (logger)


  • gob for encoding messages over TCP
  • P256 ECDH - for key negotiation
  • AES - for encrypting the connection after handshake