Where are these two "check_conflict" and "find_EV" funtion used?
zsxpdsyz opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello the author:
I saw you say: "To find the EV set of a specific LLC slice, we use check_conflict and find_EV functions in Attack Directory" in the README and your paper. But I cannot find where they are used. Actually, I meet some trouble when I want to implement them in another PoC. Could you give me some hints or references?
This two functions was proposed by the work Attack Directories, Not Caches: Side Channel Attacks in a Non-Inclusive World. In this github repo, we identify the EV sets by performance monitors, by accessing specific cacheline and watch the monitor chaning on each slice(please check find_cha_by_cacheline
here ). The two methods should have the same effect. Thanks for your attention!
Thank you!!