
Auto generated action files for all portals from Wikidata

Opened this issue · 3 comments

If we want to support all available CKAN APIs in the DACH region, generating the API files automatically makes sense.

First concept:


  • Data import using Wikidata - adapt the existing query to filter for CKAN portals
  • Improve Wikidata and spread the knowledge that adding your portal to wikidata is important
  • Test the max number of possible Actions

Here is a query for all CKAN portals in the DACH region:

SELECT ?portal ?portalLabel ?countryLabel ?hasApiEndpoint ?website ("CKAN" AS ?protocol)  # Adding CKAN as a static value for protocol
  ?portal wdt:P31 wd:Q27031827;                        # Searching for instances of Open Data Portals
          wdt:P17 ?country.                            # Restricting to a country, variable ?country
          VALUES ?country { wd:Q183 wd:Q40 wd:Q39 }    # Germany (Q183), Austria (Q40), Switzerland (Q39)
          OPTIONAL { ?portal wdt:P6269 ?hasApiEndpoint }   # Searching for API Endpoint properties (if available)
          OPTIONAL { ?portal wdt:P6269 ?apiEndpoint.    # Searching for API Endpoint properties (if available)
                     ?apiEndpoint wdt:P2700 wd:Q105592698;   # Ensuring the API uses the CKAN protocol
                     BIND(CONCAT(STR(?apiEndpoint)) AS ?hasApiEndpoint) }
          OPTIONAL { ?portal wdt:P856 ?website }           # Searching for the official website (if available)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". 
                           ?portal rdfs:label ?portalLabel .
                           ?country rdfs:label ?countryLabel . }
ORDER BY DESC(?hasApiEndpoint)

I updated the action creation script to use a JSON from wikidata.

Edit: latest update also directly queries wikidata.


  • different api descriptions for V2 and V3 portals
  • Improve certain functions, e.g. search doesn't work right now
  • test all portals and add them to the GPT
  • Doku in the readme

There is now a GitHub action to create all V3 portals: