
Support for Ubuntu derivated distributions

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi Stephan

I have been using your role for last year and it's great: simple and efficient, but I have upgraded my laptop from PopOS 19.10 to PopOS 20.04 and I have detected it has stopped working.

The problem is located in the data received by Ansible in ansible_distribution vars. PopOS and other Ubuntu derivated distros sometimes modify the content of /etc/os-release. For example: the content of my ansible_distribution is "Pop!_OS" therefore task "Gather OS specific variables" fails with the following error:

"msg": "No file was found when using first_found. Use errors='ignore' to allow this task to be skipped if no files are found

I want to change this behaviour to use ansible_distribution_release instead of using ansible_distribution, covering all Linux distrubutions based in Ubuntu.

Will you accept a PR with this feature? I'll add support for Ubuntu 20.04 too.

Thank you very much

Hm, that sounds like a big change hitting all the distros.
I suggest you file the PR and we will see how the molecule tests work out.
After that we might discuss ...

Why not add a specific file in ./vars for a start?

Yes, I am agree with you I'll start adding the file in vars.

Which version of molecule are you using? I have been receiving one error and I want to check the tests before creating the PR.

my local system:

molecule --version
molecule 3.0.4
   ansible==2.9.6 python==3.8

Travis doesn't show the version, I might add above command to the playbook for reference.

support and test for Ubuntu 20.04 added in fb2d657

Ok stefan, I'll create different PR today.

New PR: #54