
fact-checking not correct with centos docker images

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The fact checking script templates/etc/ansible/facts.d/rclone.fact.j2 (thankfully forked from @drybjed and the debops project) introduced with f281d85 does not return correct facts with the centos7 and centos8 instances, when tested via molecule.

After the first run the binary is installed and in place, then the fact-checker-script should report back ansible_local.rclone.installed = true. This in turn should lead to skipping a reinstallation: it's not needed anymore.

For centos the script returns ansible_local.rclone.installed = false to ansible/molecule, while when logged into the docker container and called from that shell it returns ansible_local.rclone.installed = true.

This doesn't actually break things, it just repeats the installation each time. So far no idea why.

For the other OS tests the new fact-checking-logic seems to work when I look at the molecule logs.

I asked @geerlingguy in geerlingguy/docker-centos7-ansible#13 for any thoughts, as he created the used docker images.

I close this now. Centos isn't maintained anymore, we don't run the tests for it anymore ...