Cleanup huge mess in textdocument/linemetainfo interface
stefanoborini opened this issue · 0 comments
stefanoborini commented
The TextDocument/LineMetaInfo interface has grown into a mess due to differences in interface.
Do the following:
- formalize order of parameters (line_number should go first, last)?
- formalize selection of intervals as a (start, end) tuple interpreted in python style, instead of start, how_many.
- change indexing into 0-based (there's already a US about it)
- make private methods without notifications and public methods with notification, or add a "hold_notification" state to flush all notifications at once (may require signal accumulation pattern in vaitk)
- cleanup unused or redundant methods. Simplify methods operating on a single line as special cases using the multi-line method.
- get rid of the charmeta, and find appropriate replacement strategy.