
Unhelpful error when running action

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Hi, I'm trying to use your linting action but even though i've followed your set up steps, and running eslint locally, I get the below message. Any ideas?

Screenshot 2020-03-11 at 16 16 44

hey @daniel-vc

Looks like it's a problem with your tests themselves regarding promise chaining.

Just to clarify: does it reproduce locally?

Hi, I have the same issue, and no, it is only in the actions. I don't have those messages locally. For me, it comes from your action!
You can see it right here:

Hi there, I can confirm I'm getting the same warning.


I also experienced this issue and found that it is caused by this issue

This can be fixed by upgrading the nodejs image used in the docker file. I tested using nodejs 12 (current LTS) and this issue went away. I Opened up #10 to help resolve the issue.

rdzak commented

I had to remove this action from the workflow due to the same error. I'll be watching this issue to verify it's fixed with proposed solution (node upgrade)

I would actually recommend running ESLint without this action, because out of the box the ubuntu runtime of Github Action has everything we need now, like so:

name: CI
on: push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Install modules
      run: yarn
    - name: Lint
      run: eslint .

Now in the end, all this action is doing is running eslint inside a docker container. I'd say that we would be better off just not using docker at all and run eslint inside the normal runtime (which I hope is regularly updated)