
bower repo needs updated to 4.1.0

flyfishMT opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, Looks like your bower.json needs updated to 4.1.0 so bower pulls in your latest release. Thanks

I second this! There are serious bugs that make es6-promise unusable in 4.0.5, as well as no minified versions! The latest stable version should be released for bower ASAP. not good if this repo is not regularly maintained and we cannot rely on it!

I am working on a project for a major international company, and we need a working version of this. Please can you release it for bower ASAP? Otherwise I will have to look for another solution.


@LeeBurton you can get it from npm if that is an option. I switched from bower to npm.

We are currently relying on Bower, but looking to switch to Yarn/Webpack. But we currently need Bower...

an update for Bower shouldn't be that difficult, should it...? 😳

There are serious bugs that make es6-promise unusable in 4.0.5

Which bug specifically?

Hi, Looks like your bower.json needs updated to 4.1.0 so bower pulls in your latest release

Oops. working on a release now.

released 4.1.1 to bower and npm

Excellent. Thank you :-)