
Load rules/client policies from SQL server database instead of appsettings on startup

digglekarl opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I am trying to load the rules and client policies from a SQL server database at startup instead of appsettings I found the below link

#87 (comment)

Could you provide a bit more information on how to achieve this as I have created a class that inherits from MemoryCahceClientPolicy

`public class DatabaseCacheClientPolicyStore : MemoryCacheClientPolicyStore
private readonly IRateLimitingService rateLimitingService;

public DatabaseCacheClientPolicyStore(
    IMemoryCache cache,
    IOptions<ClientRateLimitOptions> options,
    IOptions<ClientRateLimitPolicies> policies,
    IRateLimitingService rateLimitingService)
    : base(cache, options, policies)
    this.rateLimitingService = rateLimitingService;

public new async Task SeedAsync()
    var policies = await rateLimitingService.GetClientPolicies();

    foreach (var rule in policies)
        await SetAsync($"{rule.ClientId}", new ClientRateLimitPolicy { ClientId = rule.ClientId, Rules = rule.Rules });


I have then registered this in program.cs
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IClientPolicyStore, DatabaseCacheClientPolicyStore>();

But this SeedAsync is not being overridden

Any help is much appreciated.


How did you configure the rate limiter?
If you're using one of these extensions, you need to remove it and manually add the services

How did you configure the rate limiter? If you're using one of these extensions, you need to remove it and manually add the services

I have configured as this

#region RateLimitingMiddleware




builder.Services.AddSingleton<IClientPolicyStore, DatabaseCacheClientPolicyStore>();

builder.Services.AddSingleton<IRateLimitCounterStore, MemoryCacheRateLimitCounterStore>();

builder.Services.AddSingleton<IProcessingStrategy, AsyncKeyLockProcessingStrategy>();

builder.Services.AddSingleton<IRateLimitConfiguration, CustomRateLimitConfiguration>();


but I commented out the 2 lines




You need to remove this: builder.Services.AddInMemoryRateLimiting();

You need to remove this: builder.Services.AddInMemoryRateLimiting();

Thank you so much.

Its now calling my class but not the seedasync do I need to do something like this?

var clientPolicyStore = app.Services.GetService();

// seed client data
await clientPolicyStore?.SeedAsync()!;

Yes, you need to call it yourself when the application starts


So I have managed to get this sort of working but the client policies are not taking effect when I use the extensions and pull the policies from appsettings it works fine but when I use the above I can see the policies are in the cache but they're not being applied.


I have fixed this I was missing the ClientPolicyPrefix

Thanks again for all your help

Much appreciated