
Post or put rule not working

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Hello, I've tried this on 4 & 5 versions of the AspNetCoreRateLimit.


  • AspNet core web app (.Net 7).
  • Configuration is in appsettings.json
  • I have custom client resolver.

This is not working:

        "Endpoint": "((post)|(put)):*",
        "Period": "1m",
        "Limit": 10

And this is working:

        "Endpoint": "post:*",
        "Period": "1m",
        "Limit": 10

I've also tried, but no luck:

        "Endpoint": "((post)|(put)): */api/*",
        "Period": "1m",
        "Limit": 10
        "Endpoint": "((post)|(put)):.+",
        "Period": "1m",
        "Limit": 10

According to docs it should work: