no matches found: configureRepositories.repositories[0].name=stable
harik8 opened this issue · 6 comments
I followed the given steps in
But it failed at helmv3 upgrade step.
helmv3 upgrade -i helm-operator fluxcd/helm-operator --wait \
--namespace fluxcd \
--set git.ssh.secretName=flux-git-deploy \
--set git.pollInterval=1m \
--set chartsSyncInterval=1m \
--set configureRepositories.enable=true \
--set configureRepositories.repositories[0].name=stable \
--set configureRepositories.repositories[0].url= \
--set extraEnvs[0].name=HELM_VERSION \
--set extraEnvs[0].value=v3 \
--set \
--set image.tag=helm-v3-71bc9d62
zsh: no matches found: configureRepositories.repositories[0].name=stable
From what you've pasted above the \
is missing from all lines, should be:
helmv3 upgrade -i helm-operator fluxcd/helm-operator --wait \
--namespace fluxcd \
--set git.ssh.secretName=flux-git-deploy \
--set git.pollInterval=1m \
--set chartsSyncInterval=1m \
--set configureRepositories.enable=true \
--set configureRepositories.repositories[0].name=stable \
--set configureRepositories.repositories[0].url= \
--set extraEnvs[0].name=HELM_VERSION \
--set extraEnvs[0].value=v3 \
--set \
--set image.tag=helm-v3-71bc9d62
Thank you! I missed adding an escape character "\". I've updated the comment.
I've tested this with bash not zsh. One way would be to provide a values.yaml file instead of in-line args to helm.
It's working on bash. I use bash instead of zsh. Thank you! :)
I wonder why zsh doesn't work, can we reopen this?
The problem is probably with the square brackets.
You should enclose each line with a single quote:
--set 'configureRepositories.repositories[0].name'=stable \