
New Line in Entry Title

Closed this issue · 10 comments

How do you create a new line in Entry Title? Adding \n or html to the title string doesn't seem to work . As per the example at, I tried the following without success:

calendar.setEntryContentCallback("" +
    "function(arg) {" +
    "   return {html: arg.event.title.replace(/\\n/g, '<br>')}" +

Can you help?


Using your codepen sample it's working the \n:

I just edited the events array and placed in the title the \n and updated the start date

events: [
        title: 'All\nDay Event',
        start: '2022-03-01'

To make it work in Flow I did nothing, just placed in the title the \n.

entry.setTitle("My title \n with new line")

Try to remove setEntryContentCallback

Thanks. However the \n does not work for me using entry.setTitle(). I'm using ResourceEntry and FullCalendar/Scheduler version 4.1.2. Which version are you using - could there be a difference?

Probably yes, I'm updating now and it stopped working.

Let me check

This is the best way that I found to have the new line: calendar.addCustomStyles(".fc-event-title{white-space: normal;}");


Great that works - so if I use: calendar.addCustomStyles(".fc-event-title{white-space: pre-line;}");
then I get a line break with \n. If I use calendar.addCustomStyles(".fc-event-title{white-space:normal;}"); as expected it wraps the text according to space but ignores new line break.

Thanks for your help.


Using your codepen sample it's working the \n:

I just edited the events array and placed in the title the \n and updated the start date

events: [
        title: 'All\nDay Event',
        start: '2022-03-01'

To make it work in Flow I did nothing, just placed in the title the \n.

entry.setTitle("My title \n with new line")

Try to remove setEntryContentCallback

In which version did it work for you?

I thought it was on a recent version, but the project where I made the \n to work was made with the v4 of the calendar, so it was working before the v5 update

Version 3.1.0, I'm searching on the repo trough my phone but it's confusing

Then it might be really "just", that they changed the basic whitespace styling with the new major version, which prevents setting simple new lines in the title

Yes, I'll check the CSS and search for it, but I think it's like this. I'd like to know so we can add it to the wiki