
stickyHeaderDates: invisible horizontal scrollbar at top of resource timeline

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Bug Description

By default the calendar use the stickyHeaderDates to true.
To workaround the problem just use stickyHeaderDates.

Example Code


Do you have a screenshot for that issue?

I can take a screen of my application if needed but it's similar.

The problem appear on the resource based views, when clicking on the top event the view scroll left/right because of this


Didn't went too deep into this due to short time, but applying an additional overlfow-x plus removing the margin seemed to work:


Applying the css via JS would be something like this:

this.addCustomStyles('th[role="presentation"] div.fc-scroller-harness div.fc-scroller {overflow-x: hidden !important; margin-bottom: unset !important;}')

where this is the current full-calendar instance. In Java it could be set in the same way using the custom styles method (but the quotes have to be replaced ofc :) ). It might be, that the css selector path has to be qualified a bit more to prevent any side effects.

Potential workaround / fix for now, @aetasoul?

Ok, just saw, that in the other issue someone posted exactly this as a potential solution :D so ignore my previous post regarding "I found a workaround" and replace it with "I integrated the fix from that one guy in the other issue"

Thank's for the fix :)

Related issue is closed and it seems that it was a chrome issue. So I would close this one here, too