
npm audit shows vulnerabilities in fullcalendar/moment

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When you run npm audit on a project that uses the last version of fullcalendar, it outputs :

npm audit report

moment <=2.29.3
Severity: high
Path Traversal: 'dir/../../filename' in moment.locale - GHSA-8hfj-j24r-96c4
Moment.js vulnerable to Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity - GHSA-wc69-rhjr-hc9g
fix available via npm audit fix --force
Will install moment-timezone@0.5.43, which is outside the stated dependency range
Depends on vulnerable versions of moment
Depends on vulnerable versions of moment
Depends on vulnerable versions of moment-timezone
moment-timezone <=0.0.2 || 0.1.0 - 0.5.34
Depends on vulnerable versions of moment

4 high severity vulnerabilities

I think if the problem is inside fullcalendar/moment this is an issue for the fc repo.

We also have moment on version 2.29.1 and moment-timezone on version 0.5.32 so will update them soon. About @fullcalendar/moment-timezone and @fullcalendar/moment we can't update the deps they use, is better to open an issue here

The major version alredy include the changes, when ready will notice you

Version 6.0.0 released, thus we close this issue as it should be solved now.

If it still is an issue simply reopen this one please.