
tippy integration issues

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Bug Description

Today I integrate tippy.js into my Vaadin24 app with full-calendar v6.0.1 as mentioned here
I follow the steps, but stumble upon a few small issues worth mentioned here in order to fix them and help other to jump start...

javascript error for the optional chaining operator

✘ [ERROR] Unexpected "!"
INFO c.v.b.devserver.DevServerOutputTracker
INFO c.v.b.devserver.DevServerOutputTracker       frontend/fullcalendar-with-tooltip.js:9:21:
INFO c.v.b.devserver.DevServerOutputTracker         9 │         this.calendar!.setOption("eventDidMount", e => {
INFO c.v.b.devserver.DevServerOutputTracker           ╵                      ^

After removing the '!' it works.

javascript error in the Browser JavaScript Console for initTooltip(e:any)

SyntaxError: missing ) after formal parameters

After modify the method signature and remove the type info initTooltip(e) it works.

wrong FullCalendarBuilder method name

The API mentioned here seems to be wrong and should be withCustomType instead of withCustomClass

But beside those small issues, it works very well, THANK YOU 🙏

Hi, thanks for the hints. Yes, the docs at that are a bit outdated, I will correct them.

Regarding the first two issues. Here simply the file ending is outdated, it should be a .ts, making it a TypeScript file instead of a simple JavaScript file (.js). That should make the exclamation mark work. And then you also don't have the issue with the :any, which is a TypeScript type definition.

Updated docs.