
Question: why NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE is private?

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I'm trying to export the certificate private key using the NCryptExportKey function but the needed key handle is private in the NcryptKey struct. Why? Does exist other ways how to obtain a private key handle?

As there is the RawPointer trait a combination of RawPointer::as_ptr() and a simple cast should do the trick to get the handle for the windows crate:

let PrivateKey::NcryptKey(private_key) = my_cert.private_key().acquire().unwrap() else {panic!("not a ncrypt key")};
let pkey_handle = NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE(unsafe { private_key.as_ptr() } as _);

However, the pkey_handle I get from this approach always results in a

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { code: HRESULT(0x80090026), message: "The supplied handle is invalid." }', src\

hm, got it