
Use a Teensy with a NeoPixel Strip as a VU-meter for Native Instruments Traktor or any other MIDI compatible DJ software.

Primary LanguageArduino

Teensy MIDI VU-meter

Use a Teensy with a NeoPixel strip as a VU-meter for Native Instruments Traktor or any other MIDI compatible DJ software.

An example of the result can be found here: https://youtu.be/4rS-1f5hCBE



Use a basic wiring diagram from Adafruit to connect the NeoPixel Stick.

Teensy configuration

Turn serial debugging on(1) or off(0):

#define DEBUG 0

The pin on the Teensy used to communicate with the NeoPixels (default D1 or 6):

#define DATAPIN 6

The amount of Pixels in the NeoPixel Stick (should be 8):

#define PIXELSIZE 8

The Pixel brightness, default library value is way to bright (I recommend nothing larger than 64).

#define BRIGHTNESS 32

The colors used for the different pixels:

uint32_t offColor = pixels.Color(0, 0, 0); // used to turn of a pixel
uint32_t greenColor = pixels.Color(0, 255, 0);
uint32_t yellowColor = pixels.Color(255, 128, 0);
uint32_t redColor = pixels.Color(255, 0, 0);
uint32_t blueColor = pixels.Color(0, 128, 253); // for an alternative vu color

Teensy settings

Use the following settings for the Teensy inside the Arduino IDE:

teensy settings

Traktor setup

Open up the controller mappings and create a new Generic MIDI mapping:

generic midi

Set the output device to the Teensy (it must be up and running at this point):

output device

Set the device target to deck A:

device target

Add a out mapping and select the deck pre-fader level (l+r):

out button out type

Add a MIDI note on a desired channel that won't conflict with your other mappings:

add note


  • Configurable MIDI channel
  • 1 MIDI note per pixel
  • Configurable color settings
  • Allow for larger or lesser amount of NeoPixels
  • Optimize code