
Hard to read logs on Synology

Opened this issue · 30 comments

Describe the issue

This is a very minor issue, but just wanted to report it in case it's a simple fix. I am running the container on a Synology device, and when viewing the logs, they are showing some strange text which looks like encoding of special/non-printable characters on each line:


How to reproduce the behavior?

Run the container on a Synology.

Error Code


Relevant log output


Operating system


Execution environment


icloud-photos-sync version

1.2.0, but this is in all versions


Those are control characters that are used to style/color the text in the CLI.

You could combine --silent (which will suppress the colored output) and --log-to-cli to get unstyled log messages printed to the console.

Or see if there is a way to get Synology to respect those characters for some color output.

Setting LOG_TO_CLI env variable results in an error on startup:

2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout Node.js v18.17.1
2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout  
2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout }
2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout code: �[32m'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE'�[39m
2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout at file:�[90m//�[39m/usr/local/lib/node_modules/�[4micloud-photos-sync�[24m/bin/main.js:17:23 {
2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout at new LogInterface (file:�[90m//�[39m/usr/local/lib/node_modules/�[4micloud-photos-sync�[24m/bin/app/event/log.js:24:37)
2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout �[90m    at Module.openSync (node:fs:595:10)�[39m
2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer or URL. Received undefined
2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout  
2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout ^
2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout ErrorCaptureStackTrace(err);
2023/10/07 23:23:22 stdout node:internal/errors:496
2023/10/07 23:23:21 stdout (node:1) ExperimentalWarning: Importing JSON modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time
2023/10/07 23:23:21 stdout (Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
2023/10/07 23:23:21 stdout (node:1) ExperimentalWarning: Import assertions are not a stable feature of the JavaScript language. Avoid relying on their current behavior and syntax as those might change in a future version of Node.js.
2023/10/07 23:22:50 stdout Node.js v18.17.1

Good catch - should be fixed in 1.3.0-nightly.9

@lonevvolf is this good to close?

Well, it no longer crashes, so that's good. But the SILENT and LOG_TO_CLI options don't seem to have any effect at all.

Really? It should change the stdout output significantly.

How are you setting those options and what's your log output?

Setting via env vars:

Output looks like this:

date stream content
2023/10/14 17:31:33 stdout �[32m?�[39m �[1mPlease enter your AppleID password�[22m�[0m �[0m�[37D�[37C

Okay - for some reason it seems chalk is not properly detecting that your environment does not support colour out. You should be able to overwrite this by setting the env variable FORCE_COLOR=0

Additionally, are you running this using tty: true and stdin_open: true?

Could you try checking if the same non-printable characters are displayed when running without this?

Setting FORCE_COLOR=0 helps a bit, but not completely:

date stream content
2023/10/15 17:00:25 stdout ? Please enter your AppleID password �[37D�[37C

I'm not setting either of those variables - not sure what they are set to by default. I am running this in a Synology container instance, in case that helps at all.

Can you share your configuration please?

And also could you please enter your password and share the remaining logs?

Hey @lonevvolf , did you have try with the suggestions above and is this now more bearable?

Sorry, I’m on vacation at the moment. And can’t really test. Will try to test when I get back home.

Even when setting APPLE_ID_PWD, I still get the log message: "Please enter your iCloud password:"

That's odd - can you share your full configuration please?

Removed username/pw from config, but otherwise this is it.


Hmm - that looks similar to mine - are you using the latest version (there was a bug in a previous one, where env settings were not picked up)?

Current nightly build gives:

This is super weird - I'm using the same version and it's not giving me that.

Could you please access the container and verify that the env variable is set and the right icloud-photos-sync version is installed?

docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/sh
icloud-photos-sync --version

The echo of the password prints out my password.
The version command gives:

Could it be an issue with special characters in the password?

This is really weird - I'm using the exact same setup and am not getting this behaviour.

It should only prompt for input, when the password is empty (special characters might lead to issues actually using the password).

After echoing the variable within the container (to validate they are present), what happens if you invoke icloud-photos-sync token?

Doing that gives:
`[2023-11-28T18:23:41.628Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event log-info from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.630Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event log-warn from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.630Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event warn-count_mismatch from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.630Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event warn-filetype_error from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.630Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event warn-library_load_error from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.630Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event warn-extraneous_file from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.631Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event warn-icloud_load_error from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.631Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event warn-write_asset_error from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.631Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event warn-write_album_error from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.631Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event warn-link_error from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.631Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event warn-mfa_error from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.632Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event warn-resource_file_error from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.632Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event warn-archive_asset_error from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.632Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event sync-retry from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.632Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event log-error from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.632Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event error-handled from source LogInterface

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.635Z] DEBUG EventManager: Removed 1 listeners for source iCloud

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.635Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event icloud-trusted from source TokenApp

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.638Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event photos-ready from source iCloud

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.638Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event mfa-not_provided from source iCloud

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.638Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event icloud-error from source iCloud

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.638Z] DEBUG EventManager: Registering listener for event mfa-error from source iCloud

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.639Z] INFO iCloud: Authenticating user

[2023-11-28T18:23:41.686Z] INFO iCloud: Generating SRP challenge

[2023-11-28T18:23:42.624Z] DEBUG HeaderJar: Extracted scnt from response header with length 446

[2023-11-28T18:23:42.625Z] DEBUG HeaderJar: Extracted cookie from response header: dslang (domain with length 5

[2023-11-28T18:23:42.626Z] DEBUG HeaderJar: Extracted cookie from response header: site (domain with length 3

[2023-11-28T18:23:42.626Z] DEBUG HeaderJar: Extracted cookie from response header: aasp (domain with length 240

[2023-11-28T18:23:42.702Z] DEBUG ResourceManager: Reading resource file from /opt/icloud-photos-library/.icloud-photos-sync

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.074Z] DEBUG HeaderJar: Extracted scnt from response header with length 446

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.074Z] DEBUG HeaderJar: Extracted cookie from response header: dslang (domain with length 5

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.075Z] DEBUG HeaderJar: Extracted cookie from response header: site (domain with length 3

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.076Z] DEBUG HeaderJar: Extracted cookie from response header: acn01 (domain with length 0

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.077Z] DEBUG NetworkManager: Setting session secret to REDACTED

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.080Z] DEBUG iCloud: Acquired signin secrets

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.080Z] DEBUG iCloud: Response status is 200, authentication successful - device trusted

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.080Z] DEBUG ResourceManager: Reading resource file from /opt/icloud-photos-library/.icloud-photos-sync

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.081Z] DEBUG NetworkManager: Settling rate limiter queue...

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.082Z] DEBUG NetworkManager: Queue has settled!

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.082Z] DEBUG NetworkManager: Settling CCY limiter queue...

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.082Z] DEBUG NetworkManager: Queue has settled!

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.082Z] DEBUG EventManager: Removed 3 listeners for source iCloudPhotos

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.083Z] DEBUG EventManager: No more listeners for source iCloudPhotos registered

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.083Z] DEBUG EventManager: Removed 11 listeners for source iCloud

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.083Z] DEBUG EventManager: No more listeners for source iCloud registered

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.099Z] DEBUG EventManager: Removed 1 listeners for source TokenApp

[2023-11-28T18:23:44.100Z] DEBUG EventManager: No more listeners for source TokenApp registered`

Oh - that's progress! The execution works and it's successfully authenticating using the stored trust token (the logs don't contain the actual token). Also, LOG_TO_CLI and SILENT are both picked up.

Which leads me to the question why running the container does not work - are you somewhere overriding the entrypoint in your docker configuration?

I see this in the management UI:

All of this is really weird - and I don't know the docker management solution on Synology well enough - could you maybe fully remove your current installation and create a fresh one? Something is off with your current one.

I've set it up from scratch again, but it seems to have the same behavior. There's a few weird things going on here, though. It seems that as long as I set the SILENT option, whether true or false, it stops the standard output (welcome message, etc.) from going to the log. If I remove the option completely the output returns.

Those boolean flags test the existence of the env variable and don't read its content - so even when setting it to "SILENT=false" will result in the silent option to be enabled. This is how commanderjs is handling it (which I'm using for parsing).

However this still does not explain, why it is not picking up your password....

Interesting - this should probably be explained/updated here:

The doc seems to indicate that you can set it to true/false with default of false.

Hmm - that's a good point - what would you expect there? "Unset"?

I would imagine the doc being similar to the git cli documentation, for instance.

Just picking a random cli option without values/arguments:

Do not pipe Git output into a pager.

In fact there is no argument listed, and therefore, no default value. Whereas options that take an argument specify the default as well:

Path to wherever your core Git programs are installed. This can also be controlled by setting the GIT_EXEC_PATH environment variable. If no path is given, git will print the current setting and then exit.

I like the easy to read overview of your documentation with env variable equivalent - it only seems to be missing a concession for options without arguments.