
Replace RSS feed generation with Atom feed

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The Atom spec is way cleaner, modern, and more standardized than RSS. I'm thinking about replacing RSS feed generation with Atom. I won't be able to use clj-rss and I'll probably have to write my own generator from scratch.

A core reason why I want to change to Atom is that Atom's semantics are a great match for Nuzzle.

Future page entry map keys after adopting Atom:

:nuzzle/title (still required)
:nuzzle/updated (instead of modified)

All of these keys will integrate perfectly into the Atom feed.

And Atom entries can include a whole page of content under the content item of an entry which perfectly fits the semantics of :nuzzle/content already present in the config.

The top-level config option :nuzzle/rss-channel should be replaced by :nuzzle/atom-feed:

 {:title "Foobar Blog" :author :foo :icon "/icon.jpeg" :logo "/logo.jpeg" :rights "© 2005 Jane Doe" :subtitle "Where foo meets bar"}