Wardrobe App


This app is a catalogue of user's own chosen outfits/looks. It's aim is to inspire users to keep track of their favourite outfits/looks for them to emulate again or create new looks. Users are able to create a new account to start cataloging. The branding is inspired by modern aesthetics while colors are kept to a minimum to let user's outfits/looks take presidence.


The project seems daunting in the beginning with no planning or wireframing. I was too caught up in reasearching on aesthetics as opposed trying to figure out how to build a basic CRUD system using RoR. On top of that, I also became really overwhelemed by the idea of trying to complete the project within 7 days. I snapped myself out and shifted my focus on functionality; comforted by the thought that the project doesn't necessarily have to 'finish'. I spent two solid days merely creating tables, each time with stupid mistakes - no plurals, wrong column, less column etc.. but most importanyly, I refuse to give up and I came out conquering the hell out of that table. I spent another 2.5 days building the CRUD system for two tables - users & outfits. On the last day, I decided to focus on aesthetics of the app.

Unsolved Problems

The app is still missing a few features as follows. Given time, these things will be added...

  • The D (delete) feature of CRUD. I would really like to add that in or it'll just be a CRU not CRUD.
  • Completing the last table as per requirement (3 tables, the last table is tags). I think it will be a logical feature to complete & will tie the app together nicely.
  • Adding more API's to bring more functionality & usability.

Thank you to jack & joel for your (un)conditional support. Jack for paper.js & Joel for cloud tagging tute

Designed & developed for WDI Project 1 at General Assembly