
services/galexie: docker build and runtime debian inconsistency

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The docker image for the galexie service is a multi-step build.

The build is performed with the golang:1.22-bullseye image, based on Debian 11 (bullseye).

FROM golang:1.22-bullseye AS builder

The image used for running is the ubuntu:22.04 image, based on Debian 12 (bookworm).

FROM ubuntu:22.04

The inconsistency is a pretty minor thing if galexie doesn't use cgo, and may have no material impact at all. But I'm guessing the inconsistency is by accident, and we can probably update the golang image to build with bookworm to keep the OSes we're using and depending on consistently recent.

cc @urvisavla @stellar/platform-eng

@leighmcculloch You're absolutely right - this was an oversight. I'll update it to golang:1.22-bookworm. Thanks!