
This is a Vuforia Samples App for Android Studio.

Primary LanguageJava


This is a Android Vuforia Samples App ported from Eclipse to Android Studio.
It is supposed that you already have Android SDK installed.

1.Clone this repo
2.Obtain your Vuforia license key at https://developer.vuforia.com/targetmanager/licenseManager/licenseListing
3.Paste the key in "SampleApplicationSession.java" file which is located in your project under
app/src/main/java/com.qualcomm.vuforia.samples/SampleApplication/SampleApplicationSession in line 347
paste it between the "" as the third parametar:
Vuforia.setInitParameters(mActivity, mVuforiaFlags, "");
4. Open the project in Android Studio
5. Click Build ->Clean Project
6. Click Build ->Rebuild Project
7. Click Run -> Run
8. Choose your device from the list (Note: Run on the real device and not on the emulator because you need a camera)

Hope it can Help! Cheers