
Fail to start with Stencil 0.11.0

peterennis opened this issue · 16 comments


Stencil version: (run npm list @stencil/core from a terminal/cmd prompt and paste output below):

@stencil/core v0.11.0

I'm submitting a ... (check one with "x")
[x] bug report
[ ] feature request
[ ] support request => Please do not submit support requests here, use one of these channels: or

Current behavior:

$ cd /c/ae

peterennis@EINSTEINIUM MINGW64 /c/ae
$ git clone my-app
Cloning into 'my-app'...
remote: Counting objects: 374, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (33/33), done.
remote: Total 374 (delta 25), reused 40 (delta 20), pack-reused 321
Receiving objects: 100% (374/374), 404.13 KiB | 4.44 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (191/191), done.

peterennis@EINSTEINIUM MINGW64 /c/ae
$ cd my-app

peterennis@EINSTEINIUM MINGW64 /c/ae/my-app (master)
$ git remote rm origin

peterennis@EINSTEINIUM MINGW64 /c/ae/my-app (master)
$ npm i
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules\sane\node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.1.2 (node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.1.2: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

added 762 packages from 460 contributors and audited 24968 packages in 17.112s
found 366 vulnerabilities (361 low, 5 high)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details

peterennis@EINSTEINIUM MINGW64 /c/ae/my-app (master)
$ npm start

> @stencil/starter@0.0.1 start C:\ae\my-app
> stencil build --dev --watch --serve

[04:13.7]  @stencil/core v0.11.0
[04:14.5]  build, app, dev mode, started ...
[04:14.5]  transpile started ...
[04:15.5]  transpile finished in 969 ms
[04:15.6]  module map started ...
[04:15.6]  generate styles started ...
[04:15.7]  compile global style start ...
[04:15.9]  compile global style finish in 124 ms
[04:15.9]  generate styles finished in 281 ms
[04:16.1]  module map finished in 510 ms
[04:16.1]  generate bundles started ...
[04:16.1]  generate bundles finished in 5 ms
[04:16.1]  generate app files started ...
[04:17.2]  generate app files finished in 1.10 s

[ ERROR ]  Cannot find module 'request' at Function.Module._resolveFilename
           (module.js:547:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:474:25) at
           Module.require (module.js:596:17) at require
           (internal/module.js:11:18) at
           C:\ae\my-app\node_modules\request-promise-native\lib\rp.js:8:12 at
           (C:\ae\my-app\node_modules\stealthy-require\lib\index.js:62:23) at
           (C:\ae\my-app\node_modules\request-promise-native\lib\rp.js:7:15) at
           Module._compile (module.js:652:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js
           (module.js:663:10) at Module.load (module.js:565:32)

[04:17.2]  dev server: http://localhost:3333/

Expected behavior:
It should work

Steps to reproduce:

Follow the readme instructions.

Other information:
Related: ionic-team/create-stencil#8

Similar for the build:

stencil build --prerender

[51:47.0] @stencil/core v0.11.0 🍇
[51:47.2] build, app, prod mode, started ...
[51:47.4] transpile started ...
[51:51.1] transpile finished in 3.72 s
[51:51.1] module map started ...
[51:51.2] generate styles started ...
[51:52.0] compile global style start ...
[51:52.5] compile global style finish in 566 ms
[51:52.5] generate styles finished in 1.36 s
[51:54.3] module map finished in 3.16 s
[51:54.3] generate bundles started ...
[51:59.4] generate bundles finished in 5.07 s
[51:59.4] generate app files started ...
[52:05.9] generate app files finished in 6.54 s
[52:05.9] prerendering started ...
[52:05.9] prerender, started: / ...
[52:06.0] prerender, finished: / in 79 ms
[52:06.0] prerendering failed in 88 ms

[ ERROR ] TypeError: Parameter "url" must be a string, not undefined at
Url.parse (url.js:103:11) at Object.urlParse [as parse]
(url.js:97:13) at getWritePathFromUrl
at () at
at new Promise () at __awaiter$E
at writePrerenderDest

[ ERROR ] Cannot find module 'request' at Function.Module._resolveFilename
(module.js:538:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:468:25) at
Module.require (module.js:587:17) at require
(internal/module.js:11:18) at
at module.exports
at Object.
at Module._compile (module.js:643:30) at
Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:654:10) at Module.load

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! @stencil/starter@0.0.1 build: stencil build --prerender
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the @stencil/starter@0.0.1 build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/Ralf/.npm/_logs/2018-08-03T02_52_06_147Z-debug.log

Would you be able to run the same commands with the --debug flag? That may help pin point what the issue is. Thanks


stencil build --prerender --debug

[22:36.5] dev server www root:
/Users/Ralf/dev-tools/my-repos/stencil-app-starter/www, base url: /
MEM: 94.4MB
[22:36.5] @stencil/core v0.11.0 🍇
[22:36.5] darwin, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz, cpus: 4 MEM:
[22:36.5] node v8.9.4 MEM: 94.5MB
[22:36.5] compiler runtime:
MEM: 94.5MB
[22:36.5] compiler build: 180631161929 MEM: 94.5MB
[22:36.6] compiler workers: 4, tasks per worker: 2 MEM: 94.6MB
[22:36.6] minifyJs: true, minifyCss: true, buildEs5: true MEM:
[22:36.6] cache enabled, cacheDir:
MEM: 94.6MB
[22:36.6] build, app, prod mode, started ...
[22:36.6] [0] start build, 2018-07-03T04:22:36 MEM: 94.7MB
[22:36.8] [0] empty dir:
/Users/Ralf/dev-tools/my-repos/stencil-app-starter/www MEM:
[22:36.8] [0] scan
/Users/Ralf/dev-tools/my-repos/stencil-app-starter/src started
[22:36.8] [0] scan for ts files finished in 17 ms
[22:36.8] [0] buildTsService started ...
[22:36.9] [0] buildTsService finished in 24 ms
[22:36.9] transpile started ...
[22:36.9] load collection: @stencil/router,
MEM: 82.4MB
[22:36.9] load collection: @stencil/state-tunnel,
MEM: 82.4MB
[22:36.9] transpile finished in 45 ms
[22:36.9] [0] generated src/components.d.ts MEM: 82.4MB
[22:36.9] [0] validateTypes started ...
[22:36.9] [0] generateEntryModules, 3 entryModules MEM:
[22:36.9] [0] getComponentAssetsCopyTasks: 0 MEM: 82.4MB
[22:36.9] module map started ...
[22:36.9] [0] createBundle started ...
[22:37.1] generate styles started ...
[22:37.2] [0] getConfigCopyTasks: 2 MEM: 83.6MB
[22:37.2] [0] copyTasks started ...
[22:37.3] compile global style start ...
[22:38.1] [0] global style: www/build/app.css MEM: 93.9MB
[22:38.1] compile global style finish in 707 ms
[22:38.1] generate styles finished in 982 ms
[22:38.6] [0] createBundle finished in 1.63 s
[22:39.3] [0] copyTasks finished in 2.08 s
[22:40.8] module map finished in 3.84 s
[22:40.8] generate bundles started ...
[22:40.8] [0] generateBundleModes started ...
[22:42.9] [0] generateBundleModes finished in 2.15 s
[22:42.9] [0] genereateBrowserEsm started ...
[22:42.9] [0] genereateBrowserEs5 started ...
[22:42.9] [0] genereateBrowserEsm finished in 4 ms
[22:44.1] [0] genereateBrowserEs5 finished in 1.20 s
[22:44.1] generate bundles finished in 3.36 s
[22:44.1] generate app files started ...
[22:44.1] [0] generateCoreBrowser started, www/build/app
[22:44.1] [0] generateCoreBrowser core started, www/build/app
[22:46.6] [0] validateTypes finished in 9.70 s
[22:47.7] [0] generateCoreBrowser core finished, www/build/app
in 3.59 s
[22:47.9] [0] generateCoreBrowser finished, www/build/app
in 3.77 s
[22:47.9] [0] generateLoader started, www/build/app.js ...
[22:47.9] [0] writeAppRegistry: www/build/app/app.registry.json
MEM: 115.9MB
[22:48.3] [0] generateLoader finished, www/build/app.js in 347
[22:48.3] generate app files finished in 4.13 s
[22:48.3] [0] optimizeHtml, write: www/index.html MEM:
[22:48.3] [0] writeBuildFiles started ...
[22:48.3] [0] in-memory-fs: data length: 80 MEM: 116.3MB
[22:48.3] [0] cache: data length: 38 MEM: 116.3MB
[22:48.3] [0] writeBuildFiles finished, files wrote: 15 in 14
[22:48.3] prerendering started ...
[22:48.3] prerender, started: / ...
[22:48.4] prerender, finished: / in 96 ms
[22:48.4] prerendering failed in 108 ms
[22:48.4] [0] aborted build, 2018-07-03T04:22:36 MEM:
[22:48.4] [0] generateBuildResults started ...
[22:48.4] [0] generateBuildResults finished in 3 ms

[ ERROR ] TypeError: Parameter "url" must be a string, not undefined at
Url.parse (url.js:103:11) at Object.urlParse [as parse]
(url.js:97:13) at getWritePathFromUrl
at () at
at new Promise () at __awaiter$E
at writePrerenderDest

[ ERROR ] Cannot find module 'request' at Function.Module._resolveFilename
(module.js:538:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:468:25) at
Module.require (module.js:587:17) at require
(internal/module.js:11:18) at
at module.exports
at Object.
at Module._compile (module.js:643:30) at
Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:654:10) at Module.load

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! @stencil/starter@0.0.1 build: stencil build --prerender --debug
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the @stencil/starter@0.0.1 build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/Ralf/.npm/_logs/2018-08-03T04_22_48_514Z-debug.log

@peterennis I have the same problem. I solved it by running npm install request --save-dev before npm start.

@adamdbradley I was actually running into an issue after updating to 0.11.0 today with the build. Thats why I wanted to replicated it in this starter app.
The build process (stencil build --prerender) just doesnt finish at all. It stops with
prerender, started: / ...

screen shot 2018-08-03 at 4 15 40 pm

I like that stencil.config.ts has now the advantages of TypeScript but it seems like that in the schema only "Dist" is allowed for outputTargets type value 🤔

Hope you can help us on this one.

This issue: ionic-team/stencil#985
At the end it shows what I had to change to get the app migrated from 0.10 to 0.11
This commit: peterennis/ae-svg-components@7bcfa18
This demo:

I suspect some of these changes are not in the stencil-app-starter.

NOTE: fwiw my demo is only using stencil and components. No variables.scss

@ray-kay Can you try to delete .stencil folder first? Does this help?

@itsliang I just deleted the .stencil folder and run the build script again but I get the exact same error (see above). I am using npm 5.8.0 and node v8.9.4

FYI, I've submitted PR #59 which adds the request npm package to the project. I created separate issue #58 for that PR specifically because this ticket lists additional issues that may or may not be related.


Installing the infamous request module doesn't help either. :(

Solved after install request as devDependencies.

@rjoydip Ty that worked for me, just npm i request --saveDev and it ran no problem

This should be fixed now. If someone could independently verify by doing the following it would be greatly appreciated:

  1. git clone
  2. cd stencil-app-starter/
  3. npm i
  4. npm run build

@kensodemann - fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Windows 10 x64, git bash

peter@Merry-Christmas MINGW64 ~
$ pwd

peter@Merry-Christmas MINGW64 ~
$ git clone
Cloning into 'stencil-app-starter'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

peter@Merry-Christmas MINGW64 ~

@kensodemann @adamdbradley

found 8 moderate severity vulnerabilities
build worked

peter@Merry-Christmas MINGW64 ~
$ git clone my-app
Cloning into 'my-app'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 9, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Total 383 (delta 1), reused 4 (delta 1), pack-reused 374
Receiving objects: 100% (383/383), 391.50 KiB | 1.86 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (197/197), done.

peter@Merry-Christmas MINGW64 ~
$ cd my-app

peter@Merry-Christmas MINGW64 ~/my-app (master)
$ git remote rm origin

peter@Merry-Christmas MINGW64 ~/my-app (master)
$ npm i
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

added 677 packages from 439 contributors and audited 20594 packages in 21.084s
found 8 moderate severity vulnerabilities
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details

peter@Merry-Christmas MINGW64 ~/my-app (master)
$ npm run build

> @stencil/starter@0.0.1 build C:\Users\peter\my-app
> stencil build --prerender

[32:00.3]  @stencil/core v0.13.1
[32:00.3]  build, app, prod mode, started ...
[32:00.4]  transpile started ...
[32:02.4]  transpile finished in 2.01 s
[32:02.6]  module map started ...
[32:02.6]  generate styles started ...
[32:03.1]  compile global style start ...
[32:03.2]  compile global style finish in 161 ms
[32:03.2]  generate styles finished in 620 ms
[32:04.1]  module map finished in 1.48 s
[32:04.1]  module derive started ...
[32:10.2]  module derive finished in 6.11 s
[32:10.2]  generate bundles started ...
[32:10.2]  generate bundles finished in 6 ms
[32:10.2]  generate app files started ...
[32:13.1]  generate app files finished in 2.87 s
[32:13.1]  prerendering started ...
[32:13.1]  prerender, started: / ...
[32:14.3]  prerender, finished: / in 1.21 s
[32:14.4]  prerender, started: /profile/stencil ...
[32:14.4]  prerender, finished: /profile/stencil in 53 ms
[32:14.4]  prerendered urls: 2 in 1.29 s
[32:14.4]  Please wait while missing dependencies are installed. This may
           take a few moments and will only be required for the first run.
[32:14.4]  installing dependency: workbox-build ...
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

+ workbox-build@3.4.1
added 26 packages from 17 contributors in 9.355s
[32:25.2]  installing dependencies finished in 10.77 s
[32:25.8]  generate service worker started ...
[32:25.9]  generate service worker finished in 101 ms
[32:25.9]  build finished in 25.56 s

peter@Merry-Christmas MINGW64 ~/my-app (master)


Excellent! Thank-you for testing that out.