
Job listing refinements

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Some issues with display of jobs:

  • Child jobs have status "Unknown" until their parent is started (should be same as parent ie Waiting or at least Pending)
  • Pending jobs have run time displayed but should really have a dash.
  • For consistency it feels like there should a dot between the status tag and the user
  • For consistency it feels like there should an icon for the anonymous user


What do you think of keeping the anonymous users listed as Anonymous for clarity and consistency with the filter dropdown option?

<span class="is-vcentered">
{% endif %}

We should also probably not list all pages, and instead show ~10-15 total, with +/- 5 pages either side of the current page.

Screenshot 2021-02-15 at 10 06 54

Closing and moving the last outstanding item into its own issue

Child jobs have status "Unknown" until their parent is started (should be same as parent ie Waiting or at least Pending